@Sebastian-Roth When I list /fog/c*, I get 20 lines, 18 of them PHP files. When I list .fogsettings, I get one file (.fogsettings). What should I be looking for?
Latest posts made by JohnB
RE: Fog crash. Database connection unavailable?
RE: Fog crash. Database connection unavailable?
@Sebastian-Roth There doesn’t seem to be a config.class.php file in there. Here’s what I get when I run ls -a for the /lib/ directory:
. … client db events fog hooks index.php pages plugins reg-task reports router service
RE: Fog crash. Database connection unavailable?
@Sebastian-Roth It’s literally just the text “database connection unavailable” on an otherwise blank (white) screen. This is what I get when I try to go to the FOG admin dashboard (flog.lib.{our institution}.edu/fog), or when I go to FOG by its IP and then try to get into the ‘Fog’ folder.
Thank you very much for your help, btw.
RE: Fog crash. Database connection unavailable?
@Sebastian-Roth Hi Sebastian. It’s Debian GNU/Linux 9.4 (stretch). The systemctl check makes it look like MariaDB is running fine (the main PID is 1941 (mysqld) - I assume that’s ok?) although the status check output does conclude with “Warning: Journal has been rotated since unit was started. Log output is incomplete or unavailable”. But this doesn’t sound like a fatal error.
RE: Fog crash. Database connection unavailable?
Hi Sebastian. It’s Debian GNU/Linux 9.4 (stretch). The systemctl check makes it look like MariaDB is running fine (the main PID is 1941 (mysqld) - I assume that’s ok?) although the status check output does conclude with “Warning: Journal has been rotated since unit was started. Log output is incomplete or unavailable”. But this doesn’t sound like a fatal error.
Fog crash. Database connection unavailable?
Hello everyone. Our instance of FOG is unreachable after a power outage. We have it sitting in a Debian 9 virtual environment on a server running Windows Server 2012 (Hyper-V). We’ve tried restarting FOG, restarting the server it’s on, rolling back to the previous ‘checkpoint’ in Hyper-V… nothing works. It (Hyper V) says it’s running, and I do get replies to pings. Going to FOG using IP gets me to the folder that should have the dashboard in it (‘Fog’), but trying to open it is the same as using Explorer: ‘database connection unavailable’. I can get into Linux and poke around in FOG, but i have no idea what i should be looking for or doing. Any ideas?