I’m trying to include a computer in my domain with FOG, but it’s not working. I have already updated the FOG server, the FOG Client, used different credentials, but nothing had any effect.
The inclusion works when the manual process is done, or using the Netdom described in the Wiki, both using the credentials passed below.
There is no computer with this name in the domain, and I have changed its name several times to test the HostnameChanger.
In the Debugger log, the credentials are correct, but it still does not work.
Below are the information for my environment and some logs that can help.
FOG Server Version: 1.5.2
FOG Client Version: 0.11.16
Computer: Windows 10 PRO 1803
AD: Samba 4.5.12-Debian
Domain name: atleticopr.com.br
OU: Blank, i’m using default “Computers”
Domain Username: domainjoin
Domain Password: DomainJoin2018 (Don’t worry, only for test purpose)
Domain Password Legacy: Blank.
28/05/2018 15:46 Client-Info Client Version: 0.11.16
28/05/2018 15:46 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
28/05/2018 15:46 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.2
28/05/2018 15:46 Middleware::Response Success
28/05/2018 15:46 HostnameChanger Checking Hostname
28/05/2018 15:46 HostnameChanger Hostname is correct
28/05/2018 15:46 HostnameChanger Attempting to join domain
28/05/2018 15:46 HostnameChanger The parameter is incorrect, code = 87
Debugger Log
fog: dump cycle save
28/05/2018 15:46 Middleware::Communication URL: http://fogserver.atleticopr.com.br/fog/management/index.php?sub=requestClientInfo&mac=00:50:56:A4:57:5D&newService&json
28/05/2018 15:46 Console::Dump Dumping decrypted response
Samba log (Some parts):
Allowed connection from (
user_ok_token: share IPC$ is ok for unix user ATLETICOPR\domainjoin
set_conn_connectpath: service IPC$, connectpath = /tmp
Connect path is '/tmp' for service [IPC$]
user_ok_token: share IPC$ is ok for unix user ATLETICOPR\domainjoin
[...] (ipv4: connect to service IPC$ initially as user ATLETICOPR\domainjoin (uid=3000060, gid=100) (pid 5646)
[...] (ipv4: closed connection to service IPC$
I forgot the screenshots…
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