Hi! I have the same problem. I imaged mbr based ssd drive with three partitions:
/dev/sda1 (/)
/dev/sda2 (swap)
/dev/sda3 (/var)
Installed OS is Debian 9. Image type is set to “Single disk - resizable”.
After deploying, swap partition has different uuid, altough that this in d1.original.swapuuids file is correct.
I notice in source code (makeSwapSystem function) that uuid from d1.original.swapuuids file is read, only in case when we have gpt based disk layout:
case $hasgpt in
uuid=$(awk "$pat{print \$2}" $file)
[[ -n $uuid ]] && parttype=82
parttype=$(sfdisk -d $disk 2>/dev/null | awk -F[,=] "/^$escape_part/{print \$6}")
Is this correct behaviour?
When I move uuid variable assignment outside (above) case statement, swap partition uuid is set correctly.
I’m using FOG 1.5.0 RC 10.