Your solution work pretty good, but there is one mark:
With ‘yum install partclone’ you will have the latest version, instead of this you need to download version 0.2.89 and compile it.
Please mark this topic as solved.
Thank you.
Your solution work pretty good, but there is one mark:
With ‘yum install partclone’ you will have the latest version, instead of this you need to download version 0.2.89 and compile it.
Please mark this topic as solved.
Thank you.
I created a raw image of hdd by using dd and was thinking to use FOG for deploying it on PC/Servers.
long story short:
Deployed FOG with latest version on centos7, firewall disabled, selinux permissive.
I have an image that is called hdd and have pc that is trying to deploy this image via partclone.
So, if I use settings like on the first picture
Im facing with error like here:
Ok, lets create a folder under /images/hdd and move our image file there (don’t forget about changing owner to fog:root)
ls -lah /images/hdd/
total 2.4G
drwxrwxrwx. 2 fog root 17 Sep 21 11:31 .
drwxrwxrwx. 7 fog root 92 Sep 21 11:31 …
-rwxrwxrwx. 1 fog root 2.4G Sep 21 10:07 hdd
and restart deployment:
Im a little-bit confused. Whats wrong? can someone share experience with me?
Thank you.