@george1421 This code worked for me. Thank you.
Thanks Tom also.
@george1421 This code worked for me. Thank you.
Thanks Tom also.
@Tom-Elliott Without filesystem.squashfs line It goes to a black screen with blinking cursor
then after , unable to find a medium containing a live file system
also tried
chain -ar boot=live username=user union=overlay config components quiet noswap edd=on nomodeset nodmraid locales= keyboard-layouts= ocs_live_run=“ocs-live-general” ocs_live_extra_param="" ocs_live_batch=no net.ifnames=0 nosplash noprompt initrd=initrd.img
@Tom-Elliott said in Trying to add clonezilla to PXE Menu!:
To your imgargs line, I might suggest adding
You might also try this:
initrd http://${fog-ip}/path/in/browser/form/initrd.img imgfetch http://${fog-ip}/path/in/browser/form/filesystem.squashfs chain -ar http://${fog-ip}/path/in/browser/form/vmlinuz boot=live username=user union=overlay config components quiet noswap edd=on nomodeset nodmraid locales= keyboard-layouts= ocs_live_run=“ocs-live-general” ocs_live_extra_param="" ocs_live_batch=no net.ifnames=0 nosplash noprompt initrd=initrd.img
So I edited the whole block to read…
initrd initrd.img
imgfetch filesystem.squashfs
chain -ar vmlinuz boot=live username=user union=overlay config components quiet noswap edd=on nomodeset nodmraid locales= keyboard-layouts= ocs_live_run=“ocs-live-general” ocs_live_extra_param="" ocs_live_batch=no net.ifnames=0 nosplash noprompt initrd=initrd.img```
and got kernal panic, not sure if that's what you meant for me to try and the paths like that.
I am trying to add CloneZilla to the FOG PXE menu and can’t find anything on google that works on the newer fog version. Everything is on the older fog and the method to add to PXE is different. From the clonezilla website, they say use this label Clonezilla-live
MENU LABEL Clonezilla Live (Ramdisk)
KERNEL vmlinuz
APPEND initrd=initrd.img boot=live username=user union=overlay config components quiet noswap edd=on nomodeset nodmraid locales= keyboard-layouts= ocs_live_run=“ocs-live-general” ocs_live_extra_param=“” ocs_live_batch=no net.ifnames=0 nosplash noprompt fetch=tftp://$serverIP/filesystem.squashfs
I tried convering that, but I only get a kernel panic when trying to boot, or just gives error when I try to edit it more…
kernel vmlinuz
initrd initrd.img
imgargs boot=live username=user union=overlay config components quiet noswap edd=on nomodeset nodmraid locales= keyboard-layouts= ocs_live_run=“ocs-live-general” ocs_live_extra_param=“” ocs_live_batch=no net.ifnames=0 nosplash noprompt
imgfetch filesystem.squashfs
Can someone please help me. I added vmlinuz, initrd.img, filesystem.squashfs from clonezilla zip to /var/www/fog/service/ipxe