I am extremely new to the Linux realm and imaging department but I was able to get FOG installed and running.
Here is what I have running.
FOG 1.2.0 on CentOS 7
Kernal Version: 3.19.3
I was able to get an Optiplex580 to register and pull and image. It’s actually in process right now, so I’m pretty sure it’s going to work!
However, I have an Optiplex 7040 that I cannot get to register.
It says:
Cannot register host for the following reason.
Then it just lists all the system information and when it says “Attempting to send inventory” it just goes into an endless loop.
Here is the network card and partition information.
Ethernet Connection (2) I219-LM
Multiple Partition - Single Disk (Not Resizable)
The thing is, I had this same issue on CrucibleWDS. This particular model would not register but all others would just fine. I was thinking it was just a lack of functionality, but that does not seem to be the case. I don’t know if it is a network driver or a hard drive problem.
I am not sure if it matters, but this unit is using an SSD drive that is on SATA port 3. All others have been on 0. I would expect if it was a hard drive problem, I would see that once it tried to capture the image.