Imaging stuck on upload after finished
All you want to do is go to your images folder and set permissions for all.
cd /images
chmod -R 777 *and that will give you full permissions and should no longer give you any issues
I have changed the permissions on all of this and it is still not working.
so it is still giving you the Stars down the center? Your imaging is set to partclone not partimage right?
well if you are doing an upload, maybe you can delete the current image you are trying to create out of the /images folder and then try to do an upload. Maybe it is having a hard time trying to overwrite it.
I have deleted the image file, tried recreating it and it has not shown up in /images. I’m guessing the permissions aren’t working correctly or something isn’t matching. Here is what it looks like when I run ls -l /images
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 4096 Jun 23 13:02 360WIN7
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 4096 Jun 25 08:42 520STUDENTWIN7
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 4096 Jun 13 10:35 6300STUDENT
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 4096 Jun 13 12:15 6300TEACH
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 4096 May 19 14:29 740TEACHWIN7
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 4096 May 16 13:33 745STUDENTWIN7
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 4096 May 16 13:32 755TEACHWIN7
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 4096 May 16 13:16 760TEACHWIN7
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 4096 May 19 13:58 760WIN7HS
-rwxrwxrwx 1 fog root 8980811625 Feb 10 14:56 acer_2011
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 4096 Mar 3 11:55 D531WIN7
drwxrwxrwx 7 fog root 4096 Jun 24 09:07 dev
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 4096 Mar 12 11:34 E6410WIN7
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 4096 May 19 13:30 HP6200Student
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 4096 May 19 14:51 HP6200Teacher
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 4096 May 16 10:43 HPNETWIN7
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 4096 Jan 27 10:39 HPProDesk600
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 4096 Mar 27 09:09 LENOVO
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 16384 Jun 29 2010 lost+found
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 4096 Jun 29 2010 _olddev
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 4096 May 21 13:00 WYHS740WIN7
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 4096 May 19 14:00 WYHS755WIN7 -
Also when it goes to the upload screen its says its cloning /dev/sda1/ to /tmp/pigz1 is this correct?
Did this happen after the update? If so, is there a way you can delete your image from the image management portion and the image file in /images, then try and create a new one and associate whatever machine you are using to upload that new image ID? You can also (once the the old one is deleted) change the sql to reflect the new image with the old number:
user@machine:~$ mysql -u root
mysql>use fog;
mysql>select imageid, imagename from images;±--------±--------------------+
| imageID | imageName |
| 8 | StudentSpare-HL91 |
| 4 | BSELAB |
| 11 | MS16372Teacher2 |
| 10 | MS163KTeacher2 |
You want to change this to be:
| imageID | imageName |
| 1 | StudentSpare-HL91 |
| 2 | BSELAB |
| 3 | MS16372Teacher2 |
| 4 | MS163KTeacher2 |
You’ll execute the following lines at the mysql> prompt.
mysql>update images set imageID=1 where imageID=8 limit 1;
mysql>update images set imageID=2 where imageID=4 limit 1;
mysql>update images set imageID=3 where imageID=11 limit 1;
mysql>update images set imageID=4 where imageID=10 limit 1;
This changes the imageID value for each image definition. You can reorder them however you want, just adjust the imageID values in each statement. the “limit 1” on the end of each statement makes sure you change just 1 record, because logically there can be only 1.What this has done is broken the link between the host records and the image records. At this point, the hosts no longer have a valid image associated with them, because they know the image by it’s previous ID, which is no longer valid.
Now you have to update the hosts table so that any hosts which used the old image ID, now uses it’s new image ID.
mysql>update hosts set hostImage=1 where hostImage=8;
mysql>update hosts set hostImage=2 where hostImage=4;
mysql>update hosts set hostImage=3 where hostImage=11;
mysql>update hosts set hostImage=4 where hostImage=10; -
I have deleted the old image file that I am replacing this with. The file is never being created for the new one.
then you may need to look at doing a fresh install. When did you do the upgrade? what version are you on?
I am on version 1.1.2. Did the upgrade from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 this morning.
Tom, I am on v1.1.1 and I just updated an image. All went well, and got the image upload success message. Now the laptop is looping on the FTP login incorrect message. I do not recall setting up an FTP password. Can I just change the password via the FOG interface or does this need to be does elsewhere at the server level? (Ubuntu 12.04)
[quote=“Jim Holcomb, post: 31356, member: 15162”]Tom, I am on v1.1.1 and I just updated an image. All went well, and got the image upload success message. Now the laptop is looping on the FTP login incorrect message. I do not recall setting up an FTP password. Can I just change the password via the FOG interface or does this need to be does elsewhere at the server level? (Ubuntu 12.04)[/quote]
The password for FTP is that of the fog user on the server, and has to match two locations in the configuration.
- Storage Management > All Storage Nodes > Select Storage Node > Management Password
- Fog Configuration > Fog Settings > TFTP Server > FOG_TFTP_FTP_PASSWORD
We have come up with this problem too. I’ve noticed that when this error happens we have these lines in the log file
[06-26-14 10:21:15 am] * No tasks found!
[06-26-14 10:21:25 am] | StorageNode Not found on this system.
[06-26-14 10:21:35 am] | StorageNode Not found on this system.
[06-26-14 10:21:45 am] | StorageNode Not found on this system.
[06-26-14 10:21:55 am] | StorageNode Not found on this system.
[06-26-14 10:22:05 am] | StorageNode Not found on this system.
[06-26-14 10:22:15 am] | StorageNode Not found on this system.
[06-26-14 10:22:16 am] * Starting FOG Multicast Manager Service
[06-26-14 10:22:21 am] * Checking for new tasks every 10 seconds.
[06-26-14 10:22:21 am] * Starting service loop.
[06-26-14 10:22:21 am] * No tasks found!I was in the process of updating to the latest version and it seems that when the service was restarted it finished uploading the image.
Fresh reinstall of FOG 1.1.2 and same probem with my first upload:
It ok on the defaut storage but not on a new storage group and node.
after the upload i have this:
and in the log from apache:
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘;’ in /var/www/fog/service/Post_Stage2.php on line 24 -
i have reinstall fog 1.1.2 and now it’s ok !!!
Anyone??? I upgraded to v1.1.2 and still the same issue appears (TFTP invalid password)
[quote=“Jim Holcomb, post: 31679, member: 15162”]Anyone??? I upgraded to v1.1.2 and still the same issue appears (TFTP invalid password)[/quote]
Did you try/verify anything I said at all? It was a direct response and everything.
My humble of apologies! I did not see the 2nd page in this thread. Silly me. Trying that now…
I’ve been following this post as I too ran into the last step of an image update stalling with *s. I finally received the message about invalid ftp password, and I have since fixed my issue. I had the “2. Fog Configuration > Fog Settings > TFTP Server > FOG_TFTP_FTP_PASSWORD” configured as the fogcrypt’d password. I also had, i’m assuming since I first installed fog, the unix user set to the fogcrypt’d password also. It used to work this way, I don’t know if it should have, but it did.
To fix my issue I had to set the unix user password to the plain text password. The entry in the config page still needs to be fogcrypt’d.