Failed vista image upload help
Vista is known NOT to work on 1.2.0.
If you want, update to SVN revision 2096 (1.2.0 was SVN revision 2094) and it should be fixed.
@Tom-Elliott oh ok, does it matter which method that I use to update to trunk?
@the_duke for that particular revision I’d say use svn.
@Tom-Elliott Ok, it got to the restarting apache2 for fog vhost and failed. Should I try to install again or is there something else I need to look at?
@Tom-Elliott Here is what came out in the terminal
- Starting web server apache2 *
- The apache2 configtest failed.
Output of config test was:
apache2: Syntax error on line 140 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/authz_default.load: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ into server: /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Action ‘configtest’ failed.
The Apache error log may have more information.
@the_duke said:
@Tom-Elliott Ok, it got to the restarting apache2 for fog vhost and failed. Should I try to install again or is there something else I need to look at?
Well I’m glad it failed as it could’ve been disasterous. You svnd to the latest didn’t you? You need to checkout a specific revision. Use the command
svn co -r 2096
If you want to try the latest you’ll most likely need to update your current Linux os.
@Tom-Elliott Yes I did, I’ll do this now
To fix those issues run:sudo a2dismod authz_default authz_default mem_cached; sudo a2enmod authz_core;sudo apache2 restart;
@Tom-Elliott Ok, installed revision 2096 and apache2 still failed. I then ran the commands that you posted and here is what came out:
Module authz_default already disabled
Module authz_default already disabled
ERROR: Module mem_cached does not exist!
jcsadmin@jcstest69:~$ sudo a2enmod authz_core
Module authz_core already enabled
jcsadmin@jcstest69:~$ sudo apache2 restart
Usage: apache2 [-D name] [-d directory] [-f file]
[-C “directive”] [-c “directive”]
[-k start|restart|graceful|graceful-stop|stop]
[-v] [-V] [-h] [-l] [-L] [-t] [-T] [-S] [-X]
-D name : define a name for use in <IfDefine name> directives
-d directory : specify an alternate initial ServerRoot
-f file : specify an alternate ServerConfigFile
-C “directive” : process directive before reading config files
-c “directive” : process directive after reading config files
-e level : show startup errors of level (see LogLevel)
-E file : log startup errors to file
-v : show version number
-V : show compile settings
-h : list available command line options (this page)
-l : list compiled in modules
-L : list available configuration directives
-t -D DUMP_VHOSTS : show parsed vhost settings
-t -D DUMP_RUN_CFG : show parsed run settings
-S : a synonym for -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS -D DUMP_RUN_CFG
-t -D DUMP_MODULES : show all loaded modules
-M : a synonym for -t -D DUMP_MODULES
-t : run syntax check for config files
-T : start without DocumentRoot(s) check
-X : debug mode (only one worker, do not detach) -
@Tom-Elliott sorry the sudo apache2 restart should’ve been sudo service apache2 restart
@Tom-Elliott Tried that too, here’s the output of that:
jcsadmin@jcstest69:~$ sudo service apache2 restart
- Restarting web server apache2 [fail]
- There are processes named ‘apache2’ running which do not match your pid file which are left untouched in the name of safety, Please review the situation by hand.
@the_duke can you reboot?
@Tom-Elliott Here is what it it is saying now:
Restarting web server apache2 [fail]
- The apache2 configtest failed.
Output of config test was:
AH00526: Syntax error on line 12 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/001-fog.conf:
SSLCertificateFile: file ‘/var/www/fog/management/other/ssl/srvpublic.crt’ does not exist or is empty
Action ‘configtest’ failed.
The Apache error log may have more information.
- The apache2 configtest failed.
@the_duke now run
sudo a2dissite 001-fog
. Then rerunsudo service apache2 restart
@Tom-Elliott Ok, now it restarted the apache2, but when I go to my web gui to update/install database schema, I get the update/installed failed
@the_duke please rerun the installer in whole. My guess is the Config file is not present as it failed to even restart Apache before.
@Tom-Elliott same thing
@Tom-Elliott apache is fine, just the database update failing
@the_duke going on a limb that the db has a root user and password?
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