Image ID must be numeric ...
Screen with the evolution of client image’s upload appears (as in 6:14 [media=youtube]fdfY7kt7oGE[/media]) but the screen change few seconds after it and it shows the error message “Image ID must be numeric”.
In the file:
01-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX make sure imgid is set to the image id of the image you’re attempting to upload. It sounds like your pxe generated file isn’t setup properly, almost like it has generated a deploy job. Hence why you had to change the “type=down” line to “type=up”.
File 01-XX… :
type=up img=w7opt620Image Management :
w7opt620All was fine …
Can you try adding the the imgid parameter. At the end of the append line, add imgid=##
Where ## is the image id for w7opt620.
So, I add imgid=w7opt620 at the end of the append line ?
(w7opt620 is the one image id I know …) -
the numeric ID of w7opt630.
It will be in your mysql database as a number. So you look for (on the FOG database):
[code]select imageID from images WHERE imageName=‘w7opt620’;[/code]
I did the sql request and the result is “1”; so I add imgid=1 at the end of the append line and message error changed. It is a problem in my different files, so I will go to look it and I will tell you evolution !
Thank you very much Tom !!! -
Tom please … Your help is so precious for me as I cannot take place any more
The new error message is “unable to move /images/dev/00XXXXX… to /images/w7opt620”In /images :
01XX… dev w7opt620In /images/dev :
01XX…ls -ln /images :
-rwxrwxrwx 1 1000 0 0 févr. 11 14:20 01XXX…
drwxrwxrwx 2 1000 0 1024 févr. 11 14:46 devls -ln / :
drwxrwxrwx 3 1000 0 1024 févr. 11 14:45 images
Ideas ? -
I’m really worried about the task creation scheme you’re seeing more than anything. We’ve had to modify the 01-XX… file to get you to a sort-of working state.
Can you do me a favor and delete the 01-… file, remove the task from the queue, if it isn’t already removed, and then recreate the Upload task?
I have to delete the 01-XX file from /images or from /images/dev ?..
Delete the 01-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX from the /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/ folder.
Are you sure I have to do this ? This folder contains a lot of information for fog …
Don’t delete the whole folder. Just delete the file that is named:
01-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX Where the XX’s represent the MAC address of the system you’re trying to get to upload the image. -
But in /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/, there are two files: 01-XX… and default. And in the 01-XX file, there is it:
"# Created by FOG Imaging System
kernel fog/kernel/bzImage
append initrd=fog/images/init.gz root=/dev/ram0 rw ramdisk_size=127000 ip=dhcp dns= type=up img=w7opt620 … "
Sorry if I take you a lot of time and thank you for your patience …
The file name is the mac of the pc, only delete this file. The file named default is the fog boot menu.
Okay, I arrived on the FOG menu … What I must to do ?
How Tom wrote, you should delete the file, restart the upload task and look if the upload works.
During the boot, I find all error I solved previously… I take back a copy of this afternoon of my virtual machine.
A few questions:
Which image type are you using?
Is the machine from that you want to upload the image, a virtual machine? If not has it UEFI or/and GPT?Edit: Was the last error that with unable to move … to …?
Sorry for time of answer.
It’s a “multiple partition image - single disk” for Windows7.
Machine I want to upload is a physic machine; my server is a virtual.
My last error is: "unable to move /images/dev/00XXXXX… to /images/w7opt620 !