Latest FOG 0.33b
r1312 released.
Just updates undionly.kpxe and snponly.efi files to the latest ipxe git repository version.
r1313 released.
Just a simple release to fix the Dashboard and allow it to display the tasks from today.
r1314 and 1315 released.
r1314 Add’s hooking through more files. Starts removing the excessive <?php ?> calls which should help improve performance as you’re not calling the pre-processing elements multitudes of times throughout each of the files. Adds a GMT timezone setting for those who have not set the date.timezone property in the php.ini file. This way, all still displays appropriately.
r1315 fixes an issue in the HostManagementPage from the Location. Also adds more removals of <?php ?> calls. Hooking is complete through ReportManagementPage if reading alphabetically. On to the S’s
Thank you,
r1316 released.
Nearly all pages are complete with Hooking and excessive php calls. Only ones left to complete are StorageManagementPage and TaskManagementPage. Will be working on, just wanted to get the info out there.
Thank you,
r1317 released.
Fixes display issue on ServerInfo.class.php where the ethernet interfaces wouldn’t show the proper data. Also adds element to tell the user which interface is being displayed. (Fully hooked of course)
r1318 released.
Fixes an issue in FOGCore.class.php for the FOGScheduler tasking. Fixes, again, the size display issue on the Dashboard Page. If it reached 50% (50%-50% = 0% available, 100% used) it displayed as if they entire file system was completely used.
r1319 released.
Fixes the Dashboard Tasks display to show the appropriate dates. The data itself was correct, but the dating was one day into the future. How is it possible if the date hasn’t happened yet?
r1320 released.
Just adds multicast deploy for raw images.
r1321 released.
Just removes the raw image need. Basically using partclone.imager for the raw image types as well. This allows partclone.restore to be the predominant use for the, well, restore parts. Hopefully all don’t mind. It makes coding that much easier.
Just wanted to say you are doing an amazing job and it is really good to see fog getting developed. I hope that once I have some more time, I can eventually contribute in some way to the development as well. Keep up the good work, much appreciated! -
I have a display problem on the r1321, watch the attachment.[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/0/585_Capture.JPG?:”]Capture.JPG[/url]
[quote=“warp, post: 24227, member: 22860”]Hi,
I have a display problem on the r1321, watch the attachment.[/quote]This shouldn’t have been an issue, but I guess it doesn’t work all the time. The problem isn’t really with fog, but kind of it is. If you edit the date.timezone line (uncomment) and enter a valid timezone setting, restart apache, your page will display properly. I’ll look into sending it a proper timezone though and thought this was already in place and working.
[quote=“warp, post: 24227, member: 22860”]Hi,
I have a display problem on the r1321, watch the attachment.[/quote]Please try the latest revision. r1322. This issue “should” be resolved as I’m telling the DateTime class what timezone to use (GMT) if it’s not set in the php.ini file.
Thank you,
This is what I have in php.ini (date.timezone = “Europe/paris”) , and it does not work.
I’ll try the r1322, thank. -
Unfortunately the release r1322 have the same problem.
Well, It’s because you have a typo in your date.timezone setting.
Shouldn’t it be: ‘Europe/Paris’ rathern than ‘Europe/paris’?
r1323 released.
Switched to using ImagingLog for the task counts. Directly sets the Time zone on the DateTime class functions if the date.timezone parameter hasn’t been set in the /etc/php.ini file. It doesn’t take into consideration typos within the date.timezone setting as technically it’s set. Usually a default install doesn’t set this parameter anyway. So if we don’t check it, it will cause funky display issues on the Dashboard page. If it is set incorrectly, you’ll still see the issue.
On the r1323 I’av this message on the console linux
do you you have the /opt/fog/ directory?
Are the FOG Services on the linux box running?
[code]sudo service FOGMulticastManager restart
sudo service FOGScheduler restart
sudo service FOGImageReplicator restart[/code] -
And, The Shutdown after work on the station that boot PXE does not work. Even if you check the option Shutdown after works.