set timeout="30" set menu_color_normal=white/black set menu_color_highlight=black/light-gray set default_settings="" set live_settings="boot=live eject=no" set linux="/pmagic/bzImage" set initrd_img="/pmagic/initrd.img /pmagic/fu.img /pmagic/m.img" set default=2 set message="Loading kernel and initramfs. Please wait..." menuentry "Parted Magic UEFI Boot Menu"{ set } menuentry ' '{ set } menuentry "1. Default settings (Runs from RAM 4GB+)"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "1a. Default settings with 4K Monitor"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings m4k=yes initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "1b. Default settings + language menu"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings lang=yes initrd $initrd_img } menuentry ' '{ true } menuentry "2. Live with default settings (2GB+ RAM)"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings $live_settings initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "2a. Live with default settings + language menu"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings $live_settings lang=yes initrd $initrd_img } menuentry ' '{ true } menuentry "3. Black/Blank Screen workaround"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings nomodeset initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "4. No official NVIDIA driver - Use Nouveau NVIDIA driver instead."{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings modprobe="nouveau" initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "5. *** Hyper-V ***"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings fbdev=yes initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "6. Memtest86+" { chainloader /boot/memtest/BOOTX64.EFI } menuentry "7. EFI Shell" { insmod fat insmod chain terminal_output console chainloader /boot/edk2/Shell.efi } menuentry ' '{ true } submenu "Extras Menu"{ set default_settings="" set live_settings="boot=live eject=no" set linux="/pmagic/bzImage" set initrd_img="/pmagic/initrd.img /pmagic/fu.img /pmagic/m.img" set message="Loading kernel and initramfs. Please wait..." menuentry "1. Super Grub2 Disk EFI" { chainloader /boot/supergrub2disk/super_grub2_disk_standalone_x86_64_efi_2.04s1.EFI } menuentry "2. Clonezilla"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings clonezilla=yes initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "3. Nwipe"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings nwipe=yes initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "4. Load iSCSI Kernel Modules"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings iscsi=yes initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "5. Load config for xf86-video-qxl module"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings qxl=yes initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "6. Refind"{ chainloader /boot/refind/refind/refind_x64.efi } } submenu "Failsafe Menu"{ set default_settings="" set live_settings="boot=live eject=no" set linux="/pmagic/bzImage" set initrd_img="/pmagic/initrd.img /pmagic/fu.img /pmagic/m.img" set message="Loading kernel and initramfs. Please wait..." menuentry "1. No ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface)"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings acpi=off initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "2. Do not eject CD"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings eject=no initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "3. Emulator compatibility"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings $live_settings noreplace-paravirt initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "4. Console (boots to the shell)"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings consoleboot=yes initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "5. Initrd.img (boot to initrd.img shell)"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings initrd_shell=yes initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "6. Radeon no modeset"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings blacklist=radeon initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "7. No / force CPU Frequency Scaling"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings cpufreq=no initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "8. Force vesa workaround"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings xconfig=forcevesa initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "9. Force refresh rate"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings xconfig=forcerefresh nomodeset initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "10. Disable accelerated 3D graphics (DRI)"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings nodri=yes initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "11. Missing Mouse Pointer"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings xmouse=yes initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "12. Macbook Pro 8,x Dual Graphics Workaround"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings outb 0x728 1 # Switch select outb 0x710 2 # Switch display outb 0x740 2 # Switch DDC outb 0x750 0 # Power down discrete graphics initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "13. Libata noncq - Drive will not unlock"{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings libata.force=1.0:noncq initrd $initrd_img } menuentry "14. No IPV6 - Stop Network Manager from disconnecting."{ echo $message set gfxpayload=keep linux $linux $default_settings blacklist=ipv6 initrd $initrd_img } } menuentry ' '{ true } submenu "List of Cheat Codes"{ menuentry "directory= Directory containing the pmagic folder"{set} menuentry "iso_filename= [path to/]iso filename"{set} menuentry "root= SQFS boot device by partition id"{set} menuentry "label= SQFS boot device by label"{set} menuentry "uuid= SQFS boot device by [partial] uuid"{set} menuentry "blacklist= Do not load kernel modules, e.g. blacklist=kmod1:kmod2:kmod3"{set} menuentry "ahci=no Do not load the ahci kernel module"{set} menuentry "modprobe= Load kernel modules, e.g. modprobe=kmod4:kmod5:kmod6"{set} menuentry "consoleboot=yes Do not start X-windows"{set} menuentry "eject=no Do not eject CD"{set} menuentry "gpm=no Disable the console mouse server"{set} menuentry "pmodules=no Do not install pmagic/pmodules"{set} menuentry "slapt=no Do not install /home/partedmagic/slapt-get/ packages"{set} menuentry "scripts=no Do not execute pmagic/pmodules/scripts"{set} menuentry "sound=no Do not let ALSA set volume levels (mute)"{set} menuentry "numlock=on Set numlock to on at boot"{set} menuentry "conky=no Do not auto-start conky"{set} menuentry "zfs=no Do not start zfs services"{set} menuentry "hostname= Set hostname to XXXXXX[.YYYYYY.ZZZ]"{set} menuentry "clockfmt= clockfmt=%R (24-hours), clockfmt=%l:%M%P (am/pm)"{set} menuentry "mdadm=no Do not assemble raid filesystems"{set} menuentry "lvm=no Do not start the device mapper"{set} menuentry "sshd=no Do not start SSH daemon"{set} menuentry "bluetooth=no Do not start the bluetooth daemon"{set} menuentry "consolekit=no Do not start the consolekit daemon"{set} menuentry "dmeventd=no Do not start the device mapper event daemon"{set} menuentry "dbus=no Do not start the Dbus daemon"{set} menuentry "smart=no Do not start the smartmontools daemon"{set} menuentry "fstabdaemon=no Do not start the Parted Magic /etc/fstab daemon"{set} menuentry "nfs=no Do not start the NFS daemon"{set} menuentry "acpid=no Do not start the acpi daemon"{set} menuentry "cups=no Do not start the CUPS server"{set} menuentry "netw=no Do not start the network at boot"{set} menuentry "samba=yes Start the samba daemons"{set} menuentry "rdate=yes Sync time with rdate at boot"{set} menuentry "monday=1 Monday as first day of the week"{set} menuentry "ntpd=yes Start the ntpd daemon"{set} menuentry "cpufreq=no/yes/ No (laptop), force (desktop) CPU freq scaling governor"{set} menuentry "powermanager=no/yes No (laptop), force (desktop) power manager"{set} menuentry "iscsi=yes Start iscsi initiator"{set} menuentry "xconfig=XXXXXX|no Use /etc/X11/xorg.conf.XXXXXX | Undo"{set} menuentry "nodri=yes No DRI"{set} menuentry "qxl=yes X to start with QXL device"{set} menuentry "xmouse=yes Try this if your X does not show a mouse cursor"{set} menuentry "clonezilla=yes Boot into clonezilla"{set} menuentry "nwipe=yes Boot into nwipe"{set} menuentry "cmd= Boot into , e.g. cmd="nwipe --method dod""{set} menuentry "device_list=yes Show devices/partitions being scanned for the SQFS"{set} menuentry "removableonly=yes Only scan devices/partitions with "removable" attribute"{set} menuentry "testing=yes Wait at boot completion, use to scroll"{set} menuentry " Press to continue"{set} menuentry ""{set} menuentry "Keyboard maps:"{set} menuentry "azerty be-latin1 fr-latin1 fr-latin9 fr-pc fr wangbe wangbe2 ANSI-dvorak"{set} menuentry "dvorak-l dvorak-r dvorak tr_f-latin5 trf bg-cp1251 bg-cp855 bg_bds-cp1251"{set} menuentry "bg_bds-utf8 bg_pho-cp1251 bg_pho-utf8 br-abnt br-abnt2 br-latin1-abnt2"{set} menuentry "br-latin1-us by cf cz-cp1250 cz-lat2-prog cz-lat2 cz defkeymap"{set} menuentry "defkeymap_V1.0 dk-latin1 dk emacs emacs2 es-cp850 es et-nodeadkeys et"{set} menuentry "fi-latin1 fi-latin9 fi gr-pc gr hu101 hypermap.m4 il-heb il-phonetic il"{set} menuentry "is-latin1-us is-latin1 it-ibm it it2 jp106 la-latin1 lt.baltic lt.l4 lt"{set} menuentry "mk-cp1251 mk-utf mk mk0 nl nl2 no-latin1.doc no-latin1 no pc110 pl pl2"{set} menuentry "pt-latin1 pt-latin9 ro_win ru-cp1251 ru-ms ru-yawerty ru ru1 ru2 ru3 ru4"{set} menuentry "ru_win se-fi-ir209 se-fi-lat6 se-ir209 se-lat6 sk-prog-qwerty sk-qwerty"{set} menuentry "speakup-jfw speakup-jfw.readme speakupmap sr-cy sv-latin1 tr_q-latin5 tralt"{set} menuentry "trq ua-utf-ws ua-utf ua-ws ua uk us-acentos us croat cz-us-qwertz"{set} menuentry "de-latin1-nodeadkeys de-latin1 de de_CH-latin1 fr_CH-latin1 fr_CH hu"{set} menuentry "sg-latin1-lk450 sg-latin1 sg sk-prog-qwertz sk-qwertz slovene"{set} menuentry "Example:"{set} menuentry "At the boot menu press and then change 'keymap=us' to 'keymap=fr-latin1'"{set} menuentry ""{set} menuentry "VGA modes:"{set} menuentry "Normal VGA console: vga=normal"{set} menuentry "VESA framebuffer console @ 1024x768x64k: vga=791"{set} menuentry "VESA framebuffer console @ 1024x768x32k: vga=790"{set} menuentry "VESA framebuffer console @ 1024x768x256: vga=773"{set} menuentry "VESA framebuffer console @ 800x600x64k: vga=788"{set} menuentry "VESA framebuffer console @ 800x600x32k: vga=787"{set} menuentry "VESA framebuffer console @ 800x600x256: vga=771"{set} menuentry "VESA framebuffer console @ 640x480x64k: vga=785"{set} menuentry "VESA framebuffer console @ 640x480x32k: vga=784"{set} menuentry "VESA framebuffer console @ 640x480x256: vga=769"{set} }