#!/bin/bash . /usr/share/fog/lib/funcs.sh clearScreen displayBanner disks="" disk="" hd="" getHardDisk sysman="" sysproduct="" sysversion="" sysserial="" sysuuid="" systype="" biosversion="" biosvendor="" biosdate="" mbman="" mbproductname="" mbversion="" mbserial="" mbasset="" cpuman="" cpuversion="" cpucurrent="" cpumax="" mem="" hdinfo="" caseman="" casever="" caseserial="" caseasset="" sysman64="" sysproduct64="" sysversion64="" sysserial64="" sysuuid64="" systype64="" biosversion64="" biosvendor64="" biosdate64="" mbman64="" mbproductname64="" mbversion64="" mbserial64="" mbasset64="" cpuman64="" cpuversion64="" cpucurrent64="" cpumax64="" mem64="" hdinfo64="" caseman64="" casever64="" caseserial64="" caseasset64="" dots "Using disk device" echo $hd echo " * Starting host registration" mac=$(getMACAddresses | base64) sysuuid=$(dmidecode -s system-uuid) sysuuid=${sysuuid,,} sysuuid=$(echo $sysuuid | base64) exists=$(curl -Lks --data "sysuuid=${sysuuid}&mac=$mac" ${web}service/man.hostexists.php 2>/dev/null) checkAndSet() { local testvar="$1" local onlynum="$2" [[ -z $testvar ]] && return if [[ $onlynum =~ [Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee] && $testvar =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo $testvar | base64 elif [[ $testvar =~ ^[0-9,]+$ ]]; then echo $testvar | base64 else return fi } setIDs() { local varVar="$1" local str="$2" local csvstyle="$3" local dummy="$4" local max="$5" local res="" local url="" local oIFS=$IFS local line="" while [[ -z ${!varVar} ]]; do [[ $csvstyle =~ [Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee] ]] && echo -n " Enter the $str IDs separated with , to associate with computer (? for listing): " || echo -n " Enter the $str ID to associate with computer (? for listing): " red dummy dummy=$(echo $dummy | sed -e 's/^,//' -e 's/,$//') case $dummy in [?]) url="${web}service/${str}listing.php" clearScreen res=$(echo -e $(curl -ks $url 2>/dev/null)) i=0 IFS=$'\n' for line in $res; do let i+=1 echo $line if [[ $i -eq $max ]]; then [[ $csvstyle =~ [Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee] ]] && echo -n " Press [Enter] to proceed or enter the $str IDs separated with , to associate with computer: " || echo -n " Press [Enter] to proceed or enter the $str ID to associate with computer: " read dummy case $dummy in [?]|"") i=0 clearScreen continue ;; esac case $csvstyle in [Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]) [[ $dummy =~ ^[0-9,]+$ ]] && printf -v "$varVar" $(checkAndSet $dummy) || setIDs "$varVar" "$str" "$csvstyle" "$dummy" "$max" break ;; *) [[ $dummy =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && printf -v "$varVar" $(checkAndSet $dummy "true") || setIDs "$varVar" "$str" "$csvstyle" "$dummy" "$max" break ;; esac i=0 dummy=$(echo $dummy | sed -e 's/^,//' -e 's/,$//') clearScreen fi done ;; ""|0) printf -v "$varVar" 0 ;; *) dummy=$(echo $dummy | sed -e 's/^,//' -e 's/,$//') [[ -z $dummy ]] && setIDs "$varVar" "$str" "$csvstyle" "$dummy" "$max" case $csvstyle in [Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]) [[ $dummy =~ ^[0-9,]+$ ]] && printf -v "$varVar" $(checkAndSet $dummy) || setIDs "$varVar" "$str" "$csvstyle" "$dummy" "$max" ;; *) [[ $dummy =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && printf -v "$varVar" $(checkAndSet $dummy "true") || setIDs "$varVar" "$str" "$csvstyle" "$dummy" "$max" ;; esac ;; esac done IFS=$oIFS } [[ $exists != "#!ok" ]] && handleError "Unable to register host: $exists ($0)\n Args Passed: $*" host="" ip="" productKey="" imageid="" primaryuser="" other1="" other2="" blImage="" blDoAddGroup="" blDoAddSnapin="" keyEnter="" blDoAD="" res="" host_default_name="" if [[ -f "/bin/fog.customhostname" ]]; then . /bin/fog.customhostname fi while [[ $res != "#!ok" ]]; do if [[ $host_default_name != "" ]]; then read -p " * Enter hostname for this computer [$host_default_name]: " host else read -p " * Enter hostname for this computer: " host fi host=${host:-$host_default_name} if [[ ${#host} -gt 15 ]]; then host=${host:0:15} echo " | Truncated to 15 characters: $host" usleep 2000000 fi host=$(echo $host | base64) res=$(curl -Lks --data "host=$host" ${web}service/hostnameloop.php 2>/dev/null) [[ $res != "#!ok" ]] && echo "$res" done setIDs "imageid" "image" "" "" 20 if [[ $(curl -Lks ${web}service/locationcheck.php 2>/dev/null) == "##" ]]; then while [[ -z $askme ]]; do echo -n " Would you like to assign a location for this host? (y/N) " read askme case $askme in [Nn]|[Nn][Oo]|"") askme="N" ;; [Yy]|[Yy][Ee][Ss]) setIDs "locationid" "location" "" "" 20 location64=$locationid ;; *) askme="" echo " * Invalid input, please try again" ;; esac done fi askme="" if [[ $(curl -Lks ${web}service/oucheck.php 2>/dev/null) == "##" ]]; then while [[ -z $askme ]]; do echo -n " Would you like to assign an ou for this host? (y/N) " read askme case $askme in [Nn]|[Nn][Oo]|"") askme="N" ;; [Yy]|[Yy][Ee][Ss]) setIDs "ouid" "ou" "" "" 20 ou64=$ouid ;; *) askme="" echo " * Invalid input, please try again" ;; esac done fi askme="" while [[ -z $askme ]]; do echo -n " Would you like to associate this host with groups? (y/N) " read askme case $askme in [Nn]|[Nn][Oo]|"") askme="N" ;; [Yy]|[Yy][Ee][Ss]) setIDs "groupid" "group" "true" "" 20 group64=$groupid ;; *) askme="" echo " * Invalid input, please try again" ;; esac done askme="" while [[ -z $askme ]]; do echo -n " Would you like to associate this host with snapins? (y/N) " read askme case $askme in [Nn]|[Nn][Oo]|"") askme="N" ;; [Yy]|[Yy][Ee][Ss]) setIDs "snapinid" "snapin" "true" "" 20 snapin64=$snapinid ;; *) askme="" echo " * Invalid input, please try again" ;; esac done askme="" while [[ -z $askme ]]; do echo -n " Would you like to associate a product key to this host? (y/N) " read askme case $askme in [Nn]|[Nn][Oo]|"") askme="N" ;; [Yy]|[Yy][Ee][Ss]) echo -n " * Enter the product key for this computer: " read productKey productKey=$(echo $productKey | base64) ;; *) askme="" echo " * Invalid input, please try again" ;; esac done askme="" while [[ -z $askme ]]; do echo -n " Would you like this host to join a domain, (using default settings)? (y/N) " read askme case $askme in [Nn]|[Nn][Oo]|"") askme="N" ;; [Yy]|[Yy][Ee][Ss]) blDoAD=$(echo -n 1 | base64) askme="Y" ;; *) askme="" echo " * Invalid input, please try again" ;; esac done echo -n " * Enter the primary user for this computer: " read primaryuser primaryuser=$(echo $primaryuser | base64) echo -n " * Enter the other tag #1 for this computer: " read other1 other1=$(echo $other1 | base64) echo -n " * Enter the other tag #2 for this computer: " read other2 other2=$(echo $other2 | base64) echo " * You entered all required information, " askme="" while [[ -z $askme ]]; do echo -n " Would you like to deploy image to this computer now? (y/N) " read askme case $askme in [Nn]|[Nn][Oo]|"") askme="N" ;; [Yy]|[Yy][Ee][Ss]) tmp="" ret="" retry=3 while [[ $ret != "#!ok" && ! $retry -eq 0 ]]; do echo " * Enter FOG GUI Username and Password" echo -n " Username: " read username echo -n " Password: " read -s password user64=$(echo $username | tr -d '\012' | base64) pass64=$(echo $password | tr -d '\012' | base64) ret=$(curl -Lks --data "sysuuid=${sysuuid}&mac=$mac&username=$user64&password=$pass64" ${web}service/checkcredentials.php 2>/dev/null) case $ret in '#!ok') echo echo " * This host will reboot and deployment will start!" ret=$tmp realdoimage=$(echo -n 1 | base64) break ;; '#!il') echo echo " * Error: Invalid Login! ($retry remaining)" let retry-=1 ;; esac done askme="Y" ;; *) askme="" echo " * Invalid input, please try again" ;; esac done dots "Attempting to register host" res="" while [[ -z $res ]]; do res=$(curl -Lks --data "sysuuid=${sysuuid}&mac=$mac&advanced=$(echo -n 1 | base64)&host=$host&imageid=$imageid&primaryuser=$primaryuser&other1=$other1&other2=$other2&doimage=$realdoimage&doad=$blDoAD&location=$location64&username=$user64&groupid=$group64&snapinid=$snapin64&productKey=$productKey" ${web}service/auto.register.php 2>/dev/null) echo "$res" usleep 2000000 done . /bin/fog.inventory usleep 2000000a